Building Contractors Essex

The ‘Next-Gen’ Bathroom Renovation Ideas that You Can Try

The trends of bathroom renovations have changed with time like every other thing. So if you are planning to revamp your bathroom to give it a new look and feel, you must think ahead of your time, so that you come up with some breathtaking features that can give your bathroom an altogether new look and feel.

Remember, when it comes to lending ideas of bathroom replenishment, you must think beyond your nose, so that the ideas you bring in actually sustain the test of time and remain relevant for days to come. Let us discuss some of the ideas that will make your plans of bathroom renovations in Essex or elsewhere in the UK out of this world.

The Foliage Reflection

Touch of green in indoor designs is always something to rejoice. So, things cannot be different when things come down to refurbishing your bathroom. Going for a deadly of foliage wallpaper and mirrors always take the aesthetic appeal of your home to an altogether new level. You can opt for palm reflection or can bring in a very much ‘Indian summer’ in your bathroom by having the wallpapers with the print of mangrove forest at strategic locations and then couple it up by setting up mirrors at vantage positions to have that reelected and magnified in the way you want. The resultant effect will be breathtaking and will take the look and feel of your bathroom to a different dimension.

The Dreamy and Dark Effect

You can have an ‘all dark’ bathroom as well. That can be achieved through clever use of veined granite in the walls, tabletops, vanities and even on the floor. And then, when it comes to down to choosing the bath, the basin and the toilet, you have the choice of sticking to the convention by pairing the mood with the black, or you can opt for contrast by tilting towards white or a more vibrant combination to add that stark contrast to make the bathroom renovation plan in and around London more vibrant. Either way, it’s going to set a pulse that will stak for a long time  – maybe years to come! That’s a noble way of thinking ahead of time – literally!

The Nautical Nature

And then, if you are toying with the idea of arresting that unfathomable depth of the ocean in your bathroom, you can think of the ‘Nautical Nature’ theme. This particular theme is all about adding smallish mirrors of geometrical shapes with golden frames and coupling them up with the nautical hues or patterns on the walls, the cabinetry and the floor to add a somewhat rebellious character to your bathroom. Adding this party trick to your bathroom by adding classical motifs and bold pops of shades here and there will complete that aura of depth, which will add a sense of serenity to your bathroom – certainly something that can never be overlooked!

The Serenity

When we discuss adding serenity in the bathroom, simplicity can be the biggest achievement. Having a simple, dreamy look and feel for your bathroom will bring in that ‘less-is-more’ factor. This can be achieved by layering some simplistic, natural textures that will be very much opulent even in the very restraint form. If you are willing to add just a hint or two of shine with some sculptural faucets, this is the theme you should opt for. Believe us,  just a small detail will make a huge difference.

Thus, these are some of the most famous sustainable bathroom revamping themes that quality building contractors in Essex can come up with.

What better name can you opt for, than A&G Construction London Ltd, for bathroom makeover if you are in and around London? Call us today to fix an appointment.

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